Bhutan-The Only Carbon Negative Country in the World.

Carbon dioxide is a naturally existing element which is very important in the process of photosynthesis. But when it pass the adequate level it cause for global warming, Acid rains etc. The most immediate reasons for increasing carbon dioxide is man-made reasons like burning fossil fuel, deforestation, automobile industry. So increasing the level of carbon dioxide is vast problem arising today.

The kingdom of Bhutan is a small, land-locked nation in Asia which has a multiethnic population of 760,000 inhabitants (2015).It occupies an area of 38,394 Km2 .Bhutan is a country with a strong ancient Buddhist culture. The word Bhutan gave the meaning of “land of the Dragon”.

“Gross Happiness is more than important than Gross National Product”
-His Majesty, the fourth king of Bhutan

Bhutan is the only carbon negative country in the world. Even though they generates 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, their forest coverage sequester 3 times the amount. So they acquire net carbon sink for more than 4 million tons of carbon dioxide each year.

They effort to safeguard the environment is to provide only controlled, low impact tourism. Bhutan government is working to make its country free of greenhouse gases and waste by 2030.They use resources like wind, bio gases and solar power to generate electricity and mostly use flowing water. The electricity produced even exported to India. By 2020 they expect to export electricity to offset 17 million tons of carbon dioxide and recently they export clean energy to offsets about 6 million tons of carbon dioxide. Bhutan is the only country where selling tobacco is banned. Bhutan has a GDP value less than two billion dollars but they provide free education, medical and health facilities. They also provide free electricity to farmers in order to reduce use of firewood and in return reduce carbon emission. According to Bhutan’s constitution demands ,minimum of 60% of land must be under forest cover. Currently 72% of the country is under forest cover. If we can implement the policies and procedures followed by Bhutan towards a carbon negative country, we can have better world to live.

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