Do Kangaroos Flex Their Muscles To Impress Opposite Sex?

The kangaroo that belong to family Macropodidae which give the meaning of “large foot” are the only large animals to use hopping as a means of locomotion.
Kangaroos also flex their biceps to impress the opposite sex just like the human male. 

Researchers found that forearm size of male kangaroo could be a sexually selected trait. It will help to find a suitable mate for them.  Male kangaroos strike poses that show off their arms according to researches published in Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. According to Ellen Adamcewicz, a kangaroo expert, “additional advantage from either females finding big forelimbs sexy or alternatively the males which win the right to access the females are then strong enough to overpower any unwilling female".

According to Dr Natalie Warburton and collaborators Dr Trish Fleming and Dr Bill Bateman “Forelimb measurements showed that whereas female musculature growth was proportional to body gsize, male musculature was exaggerated,” also she said “This could be linked to the fact that male kangaroos establish their dominance hierarchy through sparring contests. Males at the top of the hierarchy have higher mating success.”

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