Dolphin- The Most Human Friendly Marine Mammal

There are many species of dolphins like killer whale, Common bottlenose, Amazon river dolphin, stripped dolphin, spinner dolphin and Baiji that belong to phylum chordata. Dolphins are very intelligent and friendly mammals. They communicate with each other by clicking, whistling and other sounds. They usually live in schools or pods up to 12 members. It is found that like humans they engage in playful activities such as jumping out of the water, riding waves, play fighting. They are carnivores mammals. Female dolphins are called cows, male are called bulls and young dolphins are called calves.

There are number of occasions where dolphins helped humans. It’s been reported that dolphins rescue distressed human from the depth of oceans. Otherwise they reach to humans when they need help. Once an isolated dolphin approached to group of divers in Hawaii, was discovered to be trapped in fishing line. There are some instances where dolphins detect cancer in human body. Sometimes dolphins help fisherman to catch fish by showing where to use nets. As they are intelligent mammals they can be trained to be super helpful to humans. Navy has been training dolphins for guarding military bases .They also rescue humans from shark attacks. Humans and dolphins are much similar in physically and mentally as both are mammals. But there are some differences. Dolphins cannot show facial expressions and communication through body languages and sounds.

Nowadays there is a trend of dolphin assisted births.  Few years ago there was news of American couple Adam and Heather Barrington travelling to Hawaii to plan such a birth. These births are done with the assistance of dolphins within their natural habitats. Heather said, “It is about reconnecting as humans with the dolphins so we can coexist in this world together and learn from one another”, when she was questioned why they choose this type of child birth. Dolphins swim around while relaxing the mother. Then mother give birth to the child effortlessly, painlessly and without fear. Though dolphins are so friendly to human, they were hunted by humans for meat and used in dolphinariums.

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